Adversity Reflection

Adversity Reflection

By reading the book, ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” I realized and understood different ways to have adversity. There is a lot of adversity in our world today and in how you act upon adversity can determine how you succeed in life. Christopher, the main character in the book I read, had a lot of struggles in his life with one having autism, but also having family problems. His dad hid a lot of things from him and how his mom left his life. This shaped Christopher to find a way to overcome his struggles in finding answers to his struggles.

Throughout life there are so many struggles. Struggles that are sometimes almost impossible to overcome and struggles that are only little bumps. Whatever we do in those struggles we need to work as hard as we can to succeed. Some people’s struggles are a lot more extreme then others and we need to understand that. Some people are more sensitive to things then others. We need to understand that and at times help those in adversity to maybe succeed. Making them feel successful in a way that they can overcome their struggles.

Our job as Christians is to be at the side of those in daily adversity. We shouldn’t criticism them, but instead tell them that we are here to help them so that they may be successful. Help them fight the fight of sin because we can’t always do it on our own. That’s when at times we need to ask God to help us through our struggles in life. I’ve learned a lot from the book I read in how just because someone has a disability doesn’t mean they can’t do anything. Their struggles aren’t the same as our big struggles, but to them they’re huge and almost impossible to overcome.

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